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İyinet Üyesi
29 Ocak 2006
Reaction score
Re: Securities and Exchange Commission v. Charis Johnson, LifeClicks, LLC, and 12Daily Pro; USDC, Central Dist. of CA, Case No. CV 06-01018-NM(PLAx)

This letter is being sent to you to provide information about this case. On April 21, 2006, May 20, 2006, and July 17, 2006, Thomas F. Lennon, the United States District Court appointed Receiver sent e-mail letters to a large number of e-mail addresses derived from 12 DailyPro and StormPay databases. This letter and the previous letters can be viewed at www.tlennonfor12dailypro.com along with the First Interim Receiver's Report which was recently filed with the Court. In addition, the Receiver's website contains his e-mail address and a list of Frequently Asked Questions with recent updates along with other case information. This report is also posted on the website.

As previously noted in the letters sent to investors/members, investors who used credit cards for a credit transaction are not prohibited from initiating a charge back through their credit card issuer. Investors that used checks, electronic fund transfers and debit cards are prohibited from initiating a charge back by the Orders issued by the Court. The Orders are also posted on the web site. Please note that in many situations the period within which you could have initiated a charge back may have passed. The rules of the credit card issuer determine the time allowed. The rights of consumers to dispute electronic transfers are limited to unauthorized debits or errors in the amount of debits, but do not provide a right to reverse a transfer because the consumer has discovered that the recipient was perpetrating a fraud. Moreover, all investors and creditors are enjoined from initiating any legal action against 12Daily Pro, LifeClicks or Charis Johnson.

The Receiver realizes that the investors have many questions and concerns. The web site referenced above, the Receiver's Report, and the FAQ will answer many of those questions in more detail, but some of the answers to your questions can be summarized as follows:

All investors, foreign and domestic will be treated equally under the law. Investors who used EMO and E-Gold as payment processors will be treated the same as investors that used StormPay. Any distribution plan proposed by the Receiver will be done on an equitable basis. The length of time an investor was invested in the program will not be a considered in distributions. If you received this e-mail or the first e-mail sent on April 21, 2006, the second e-mail sent on May 20, 2006, or the third e-mail sent on July 17, 2006, you are on the investors list. The Receiver intends to set up and utilize a secure web portal to gather information from investors regarding their accounts. The same portal may also be utilized to receive and process claims when the Court approves such a process. The Receiver will be providing the Court and all interested parties Reports such as the one referred to above on the status of the case as required and when otherwise appropriate. Further Reports will be posted on the Receiver's web site as well. While queries to the Receiver by phone and e-mail will continue to receive a response, it is not the Receiver's practice to provide updates to individual investors because of the prohibitive costs associated with trying to communicate with thousands of investors on an individual basis. Please minimize these costs by checking the website and the FAQ before calling or e-mailing the Receiver. The Receiver realizes that this is an extremely frustrating situation for investors, but please understand that he is working as diligently as possible to reach a fair and equitable result. Please check the website for updates and further information including answers to Frequently Asked Questions.

Please click here to log that you have viewed this document: www.tlennonfor12dailypro.com/notice/[email protected]

şeklinde "Thomas F. Lennon Inc." <[email protected]> adresinden bir mail geldi
bu neyin nesidir arkadaşlar.


İyinet Üyesi
8 Mart 2006
Reaction score
12dialypro ya acilmis dava sonucuna gore paranızı geri almanın yolu ama büyük ihtimal scam.. dikkatlice okumadım ..


İyinet Üyesi
25 Ocak 2006
Reaction score
@n0tepad şu bizim yoladığımız maillerden ses çıkmadımı solid için heralde artık oda gitti :)

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