*Terms and conditions: Promotional credit must be applied to a new AdWords account within 15 days of creating the account and is valid only for new Google AdWords customers with self-managed signup accounts. Advertisers will be charged for advertising that exceeds the promotional credit. Advertisers will need to suspend their ads if they do not wish to receive additional charges beyond the free credit amount. Subject to ad approval, valid registration and acceptance of the Google AdWords Program standard terms and conditions. The promotional credit is non-transferable and may not be sold or bartered. Offer may be revoked at any time for any reason by Google Inc. One promotional credit per customer. Offer valid only for sign ups through the URL provided for the promotion, by advertisers whose credit card billing address is in the US or Canada. Promotional credit may take up to 2 business days to apply. Void where restricted or prohibited by law. Expires 12/31/2007.
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