merhaba arkadaslar,
sedoya yönlendirdigim domain icin bir mail geldi bana bunlar ückagitcimi anlamadim!! sizlerden biri daha önceden bu adamdan domain icin mail aldimi?
I'm writing regarding your domain I saw listed for sale.
Is it still available for sale? Have you received any bids from other buyers?
Please email me your asking price.
If I can afford your domain I will contact you. Please keep my email address and our correspondence confidential.
I run a software development company. Selling & buying names is not my main business. Just another way to invest free money and make some income.
Kindest regards,
Travis Berger
InTech Consulting
Cost Analysis & Revenue Assurance Software.
sedoya yönlendirdigim domain icin bir mail geldi bana bunlar ückagitcimi anlamadim!! sizlerden biri daha önceden bu adamdan domain icin mail aldimi?
I'm writing regarding your domain I saw listed for sale.
Is it still available for sale? Have you received any bids from other buyers?
Please email me your asking price.
If I can afford your domain I will contact you. Please keep my email address and our correspondence confidential.
I run a software development company. Selling & buying names is not my main business. Just another way to invest free money and make some income.
Kindest regards,
Travis Berger
InTech Consulting
Cost Analysis & Revenue Assurance Software.