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(570 - 632 years A.D..)
Portrait of Mohammed, executed by German artist Gedanom, after vision.
To all it is known that first, in Moslems not accepted to depict their prophet (this consequence of that order of Mohammed himself, that any image - potential candidate for the idolatry), in the second place, that the texts of the Koran and Khadisov reached us not entirely in the protoplastic form: they are assembled and recorded they already after the withdrawal of envoy. Try exactly to repeat that the fact that spoke your school teacher several years ago, and if this for you succeeds on the preserved entries in the notebooks and memorized, then again think that nevertheless it had in the form... To guarantee is possible only for the specific spirit and attitude, which not zabyvyvayutsya never, rest - only more or less them successfully illustrates. And nevertheless, with the certain fraction of responsibility nevertheless it is possible to guarantee for the authenticity of this information, for this purpose in khadisakh even was the routine and the sequence of references on those, through whom one or other history or another became known. In view of the fact that the life of Mohammed flowed in the period closest to the contemporary time, was preserved information sufficiently much, but, as is known, its religion it was very strict: as a result much of the fact that actually could be useful, was destroyed by most zealous followers. As if they did not know that piously the place emptily is not, and another, but already very distant from the fundamentals will be devised instead of that lost. This can be said, for example, about the replacement of images by kaligraficheskimi figures or about the substitution of law about four wives by lawlessness with nalozhnitsami. So are here and created by time absurd dogmas from the best motives...
Transfers - this always damage, those more when the discussion turns to the godly inspiration. For example, hardly someone will know how "to spiritually translate" my contemporary revelations to the English, without having rejected samayu their essence and expressive force... Are here located my present transfers of some fragments of the Koran. Can on the leisure compare texts and see similarity and difference...
P.S. Here the portrait of Mohammed is depicted exactly for the purpose to destroy the remainders of prejudices and idolatry of new formations; therefore feelings of true believers this will not catch, those, coma is intelligible the concept of site.