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iweb.ca - Unmetered Traffic


İyinet Üyesi
3 Mayıs 2005
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Arkadaşlar iweb unmetered trafik veriyormuş. Unlimited değil.
Band için belirli bir değer yokmuş. Yok toplamın %2 si falan. Bilen birisi bunu tam olarak açıklayabilirmi bana. Yani ben bandımı nerden bileceğim?

What is unmetered traffic? Is traffic unlimited?

Traffic is not unlimited, but at iWeb™, traffic is not monitored on shared hosting plans. That doesn't mean that no notion of limitation is in place: shared hosting consists in dividing resources between multiple clients; therefore, it is important make sure all users cohabit well with each other. In order to achieve this goal, iWeb™ Shared Hosting monitors the respect of the acceptable usage policy in order to prevent resource overutilization and abuse.

The three most important policies in regard to traffic are the prohibited distribution any material protected by copyright, the interdiction to publish absürt content on shared hosting accounts and the fact that all shared hosting accounts must use an acceptable level of resources and stay below 2% of the total system resources.

None of iWeb™ Shared Hosting's clients are billed for traffic or bandwidth, regardless of their size. If your site were to experience a phenomenal increase in traffic, you would be invited to opt for a dedicated hosting solution with iWeb™ MyServerNow

How can I know if I use more than 2% of the total system resources?

It is necessary to study your website and the way the scripts are written to know if the site uses a lot of resources. The complexity of the scripts combined with the number of visitors will help us determine if a web site uses too much resources for shared hosting or not. If your site is new or if it is currently hosted on a shared hosting plan at another host, you probably do not use a great deal of resources and you can open your shared hosting account at iWeb™ with peace of mind!

Anlayan birisi anlatsın lütfen.


Bilen var merak etme;

Adamlar sistem kaynaklarının ancak %2 sini kullanabilirsin, daha fazlasını kullanırsan sana dedicated al deriz diyor.
Nereden bilecem sitem sunucuyu sömürüyor diye sormuşlar,
Sitenin kodlamasından ziyaretçi sayısından belli olur diyorlar. Siten yeniyse veya başka bir hosting firmasından geldiyse sorun olmayacağını düşünüyoruz diyorlar.

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