joomla geliştirici takımının en önemli üyesi Andrew Eddie etti..
Andrew Eddie joomla çekirdek kodlarını en iyi bilen adamdı.
joomla kodlarını bu adam yazıyordu.
bence yeri doldurulması imkansız bır insan
tahminimce joomla sayesınde edindiği şöhreti paraya cevırmek ısteyecek
zaten sıtesi ortaklarındandır kendisi
DAHA KÖTÜ DIGER BIR HABER ISE gene joomla takımından Mitch Pirtle and Arno Zijlstra
da istıfa ettıler
<mıtch pırtle joomlada ikinci güçlü adam ıdı
kötü haber verdıgım ıçin özür dılerım
daha detaylı bılgıler verecegım forumlarındakı yazıları okuyup
Joomla! core team member Andrew Eddie has resigned from the project. Andrew, who has been project leader and a long-time contributor, recently announced his intentions to the team.
Project lead developer Johan Janssens said he wanted to recognise Andrew for his leadership, mentoring and commitment to the project during its Mambo and Joomla! days.
Andrew Eddie, who had been working as Joomla! project director, came to the project in its Mambo state in 2003 and replaced its lead developer Robert Castley in October 2004. Andrew, who lives in a regional town in Queensland, Australia, was the driving force behind the award-winning 4.5.0+ releases.
"There is no doubt that Andrew has steered this open source project through periods of amazing growth and success — and we are better for his contributions," Johan said. "The good news I can give is that Andrew has agreed to continue to contribute to the project within a working group. We are very pleased he will still be around the project but in a less demanding and more creative role."
With the announcement of Andrew's resignation the core team has been taking the opportunity to make some organisational changes. The core team has entrusted Johan, Shayne Bartlett and David Gal to be responsible for delivering this process.
"We will be making some more announcements about the way forward for Joomla!", Johan said. "Given the forthcoming release of Jooma! 1.5 beta, there is much to do."
We also wish to advise that Mitch Pirtle and Arno Zijlstra have left the Joomla! Core Team. Mitch and Andrew also resigned as board members of Open Source Matters. Mitch and Arno have contributed to both Mambo and Joomla! projects as both an advocate and developer. Their efforts have brought value to both of these Open Source projects.
In the Open Source world it is natural for people to have seasons in ability to contribute — and come and go. I'm sure you will see them around the community, make sure you let them know you appreciate their hard work..
Read the full article here
Discuss here:,75180.0.html
Türkçe Metin forum sayfasında joomlaturk adlı kullanıcıdan alıntı yapılmıştır...
Andrew Eddie joomla çekirdek kodlarını en iyi bilen adamdı.
joomla kodlarını bu adam yazıyordu.
bence yeri doldurulması imkansız bır insan
tahminimce joomla sayesınde edindiği şöhreti paraya cevırmek ısteyecek
zaten sıtesi ortaklarındandır kendisi
DAHA KÖTÜ DIGER BIR HABER ISE gene joomla takımından Mitch Pirtle and Arno Zijlstra
da istıfa ettıler
<mıtch pırtle joomlada ikinci güçlü adam ıdı
kötü haber verdıgım ıçin özür dılerım
daha detaylı bılgıler verecegım forumlarındakı yazıları okuyup
Joomla! core team member Andrew Eddie has resigned from the project. Andrew, who has been project leader and a long-time contributor, recently announced his intentions to the team.
Project lead developer Johan Janssens said he wanted to recognise Andrew for his leadership, mentoring and commitment to the project during its Mambo and Joomla! days.
Andrew Eddie, who had been working as Joomla! project director, came to the project in its Mambo state in 2003 and replaced its lead developer Robert Castley in October 2004. Andrew, who lives in a regional town in Queensland, Australia, was the driving force behind the award-winning 4.5.0+ releases.
"There is no doubt that Andrew has steered this open source project through periods of amazing growth and success — and we are better for his contributions," Johan said. "The good news I can give is that Andrew has agreed to continue to contribute to the project within a working group. We are very pleased he will still be around the project but in a less demanding and more creative role."
With the announcement of Andrew's resignation the core team has been taking the opportunity to make some organisational changes. The core team has entrusted Johan, Shayne Bartlett and David Gal to be responsible for delivering this process.
"We will be making some more announcements about the way forward for Joomla!", Johan said. "Given the forthcoming release of Jooma! 1.5 beta, there is much to do."
We also wish to advise that Mitch Pirtle and Arno Zijlstra have left the Joomla! Core Team. Mitch and Andrew also resigned as board members of Open Source Matters. Mitch and Arno have contributed to both Mambo and Joomla! projects as both an advocate and developer. Their efforts have brought value to both of these Open Source projects.
In the Open Source world it is natural for people to have seasons in ability to contribute — and come and go. I'm sure you will see them around the community, make sure you let them know you appreciate their hard work..
Read the full article here
Discuss here:,75180.0.html
Türkçe Metin forum sayfasında joomlaturk adlı kullanıcıdan alıntı yapılmıştır...