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Metatag`lar tescillenirmi?


İyinet Üyesi
9 Nisan 2011
Reaction score
Merhaba arkadaslar. spandinavia.com sitemde `spa finder` adinda bir meta tag var ve sitedede miami, new york gibi buyuk sehirlerdeki spa salonlarini gosteren google map`larda var. bu nedenle bu meta tag`i ekledim.
Bugun bir mail aldim spafinder.com adli bir siteden. adamlar spa finder meta tag`imi kaldirmami istiyorlar. isim haklari tescillenmis felan filan diye uzun bir mail yazmislar.Musteri kaybediyoruz gibi bir hikaye sallamis. Sizce meta tag tescilli markalar gibi kullanim sarti varmidir? adamin yazdigi e-mailide asagiya ekliyorum

Dear Sir:

I am the Chief Administrative Officer, General Counsel of SpaFinder, Inc (“SpaFinder”).

SpaFinder is the leading spa media, travel, and marketing company connecting consumers with the spa experience via publishing, travel, internet and corporate incentive services. Our attention has been directed to the Internet address www.spandinavia.com (for which you are identified as the administrative and technical contact) and the use therein of “Spa Finder” as a meta tag.

The “Spa Finder” name was adopted in 1987 and SpaFinder has been offering continuous services since that time. SpaFinder enjoys a prominent reputation in the spa industry. Moreover, SpaFinder has extensively promoted its spa services through its www.spafinder.com web site and has developed a valuable good will in the name spafinder.com since its adoption.

SpaFinder has federal trademark registrations for “Spa Finder” and “SpaFinder”. These registrations are valid and sustaining and well known throughout the spa industry.

This letter is not tantamount to a threat of suit, it is my hope that this situation can be addressed without enmity. Nonetheless, we strongly believe that your use of meta tags bearing “SpaFinder” deliberately inserted into the “head” area of you web pages quite likely may divert a user’s interest from Spafinder.com to the www.spandinavia.com website. Thus, Spandianvia.com is capitalizing on the goodwill associated with SpaFinder’s name.

SpaFinder stands to lose business (and may have in fact already lost business) because a consumer was lured to the www.spandinavia.com web site through use of meta tags bearing the wording “Spa Finder”. Courts have held that this type of confusion constitutes trademark infringement.[1] ([1] Brookfield Communications, Inc. v. W. Coast Entertainment Corp., 174 F.3d 1036, 1064 (9th Cir. 1999)

We hope and assume that you are no more eager to cause SpaFinder harm or suffer such confusion than are we. Accordingly, SpaFinder requests that you immediately cease and desist your use of any wording, phrase, or meta tag that uses, consists of, or refers to “Spa Finder”, “SpaFinder” or any similar name or names intended to capitalize on the goodwill associated with SpaFinder’s name.

I anticipate receiving your written assurance no later than June 1, 2011 that you will so comply. If I have not received such assurance by such date (together with prompt compliance), we will then promptly take such action as we deem appropriate without further notice to you.

I look forward to hearing from you.


Neil Kurlander
Chief Administrative Officer and General Counsel

SpaFinder, Inc.
257 Park Avenue South
New York, New York 10010
212-716-1201 (p)
775-458-2414 (f)


İyinet Üyesi
13 Aralık 2004
Reaction score
Yasal olarak uzun iş ama Google'la arayı bozmak istemezsin, şikayet edebilirler.
description veya title da yok, keywords'den mi rahatsız olmuşlar. Zaten keyword'e bakmıyor bile. :)


İyinet Üyesi
9 Şubat 2010
Reaction score
Google ile anlasma yapabilir belki fakat Meta tescillenmesi dünyada olacak en son şeylerden birisidir.
Eğer meta tescil kavramı cıkarsa dünyada ki site sayısı marka sayıları kadar azalacaktır. Bu da ne iCANN nede Google in işine gelecektir.
Kaldırma dava konusudur eğer google seni bu sebeple banlarsa. Sitenin içeriği özgün ve alakalıysa kaldırma kardeşim hakkını yasal yonden ararsın. Onlar müsteri kaybediyor Biz Güven (Google a karşı.)


İyinet Üyesi
Onaylı Üye
19 Temmuz 2008
Reaction score
neden tescillenmesin ki? facebook face kelimesini lisanslıyor kaldı ki spa finder tescillenmesin, adamlar site adını kullanıyorsun diye ve onlardan fazla hi alıyorsun diye dava açabilirler


İyinet Üyesi
13 Aralık 2004
Reaction score
Meta tag tescillenmesi diye birşey elbetteki yok. Ama bu tarz konular yurtdışında, Türkiye'dekinden farklı işleniyor. Sonucunda birşey çıkmayacak olsa bile kimse davaya girmek istemez. Hem uzun işler, hem dava masrafları çoğu zaman onbinlerce dolar masraf.

[aaa]girl isimli bir marka, bizde [aaaa]y şeklinde domain kullanıyoruz diye (aaa yerine bir kelime koyun) - ihtar yazısı çekmişti. kaldırdık domaini. o kelimede üst sırada çıkıp kullanıcı çalıyoruz diye. umursamayıp dava açmalarına müsaade etseydik ne olurdu, belki kazanırdık, ama vereceğin zahmete ve paraya değmez. Kimin avukatı daha pahalıysa o kazanır bu tür davaları. dava açmasına bile gerek yok o kelimeden sana hit geliyorsa, google'a bile rapor etmesi yeter sitenin manuel incelenmesi için. sanırım bunu kimse istemez.


İyinet Üyesi
Onaylı Üye
19 Temmuz 2008
Reaction score
konuya metatag olarak bakmamak gerekiyor, adamın kelimesi o, tescillemiş, hiçbiyerde kullanamaz


İyinet Üyesi
23 Eylül 2004
Reaction score
adam spa kelimesini yasaklatırsa, sen spa kelimesini bir şekilde tescilletsen ne olacak?
Cahil aklımla bi halt yapamazlar gibi geliyor ama internet hukukunda gerizekalı durumlar olabilir.
Bilmek, öğrenmek gerek; uluslararası internet hukukunu...


İyinet Üyesi
14 Mayıs 2011
Reaction score
Merhaba arkadaslar. spandinavia.com sitemde `spa finder` adinda bir meta tag var ve sitedede miami, new york gibi buyuk sehirlerdeki spa salonlarini gosteren google map`larda var. bu nedenle bu meta tag`i ekledim.
Bugun bir mail aldim spafinder.com adli bir siteden. adamlar spa finder meta tag`imi kaldirmami istiyorlar. isim haklari tescillenmis felan filan diye uzun bir mail yazmislar.Musteri kaybediyoruz gibi bir hikaye sallamis. Sizce meta tag tescilli markalar gibi kullanim sarti varmidir? adamin yazdigi e-mailide asagiya ekliyorum

Dear Sir:

I am the Chief Administrative Officer, General Counsel of SpaFinder, Inc (“SpaFinder”).

SpaFinder is the leading spa media, travel, and marketing company connecting consumers with the spa experience via publishing, travel, internet and corporate incentive services. Our attention has been directed to the Internet address www.spandinavia.com (for which you are identified as the administrative and technical contact) and the use therein of “Spa Finder” as a meta tag.

The “Spa Finder” name was adopted in 1987 and SpaFinder has been offering continuous services since that time. SpaFinder enjoys a prominent reputation in the spa industry. Moreover, SpaFinder has extensively promoted its spa services through its www.spafinder.com web site and has developed a valuable good will in the name spafinder.com since its adoption.

SpaFinder has federal trademark registrations for “Spa Finder” and “SpaFinder”. These registrations are valid and sustaining and well known throughout the spa industry.

This letter is not tantamount to a threat of suit, it is my hope that this situation can be addressed without enmity. Nonetheless, we strongly believe that your use of meta tags bearing “SpaFinder” deliberately inserted into the “head” area of you web pages quite likely may divert a user’s interest from Spafinder.com to the www.spandinavia.com website. Thus, Spandianvia.com is capitalizing on the goodwill associated with SpaFinder’s name.

SpaFinder stands to lose business (and may have in fact already lost business) because a consumer was lured to the www.spandinavia.com web site through use of meta tags bearing the wording “Spa Finder”. Courts have held that this type of confusion constitutes trademark infringement.[1] ([1] Brookfield Communications, Inc. v. W. Coast Entertainment Corp., 174 F.3d 1036, 1064 (9th Cir. 1999)

We hope and assume that you are no more eager to cause SpaFinder harm or suffer such confusion than are we. Accordingly, SpaFinder requests that you immediately cease and desist your use of any wording, phrase, or meta tag that uses, consists of, or refers to “Spa Finder”, “SpaFinder” or any similar name or names intended to capitalize on the goodwill associated with SpaFinder’s name.

I anticipate receiving your written assurance no later than June 1, 2011 that you will so comply. If I have not received such assurance by such date (together with prompt compliance), we will then promptly take such action as we deem appropriate without further notice to you.

I look forward to hearing from you.


Neil Kurlander
Chief Administrative Officer and General Counsel

SpaFinder, Inc.
257 Park Avenue South
New York, New York 10010
212-716-1201 (p)
775-458-2414 (f)

Eğer meta tag daki anahtar kelimeyi marka tescili yaptirmişsa, yani sen anahtar kelimeleri kullanarak pazarlamacının markasını gasp etmiş oluyorsun ama hukuksal olarak uzun bir surec bir şey cıkmaz...google tarafından bir bilgim yok bu durumla ilgili banlanma sebebi olabilir diye bişey diyemiycem.... :peh:

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