Arkadaşlar domainlerimden birine bi müşteri çıktı, sanırım parasını da sedo'ya yatırmış benim transfer etmemi istiyorlar.
Gelen mail şu:
The buyer has created an account with your registrar, so you can now push the domain into his account and finish the change of ownership for this domain. Please log into your account with your registrar and push the name into his account: Hansen101
As soon as we can verify with the buyer that the push has been completed successfully and that the buyer has control of the domain we will be able to process your payment. Now would be a good time to ensure that your payment details with Sedo are accurate. Please click on the following link:
and login to your Sedo account, in order to verify your information.
Should you have any questions or difficulties with this step please let me know.
Best regards,
Dominik Agolli
anladığım kadarıyla alıcı benim domaini kayıt ettirdiğim registrarda bi hesap açmış ve ona göndermemi istiyorlar. Fakat da böyle bir seçenek bulamadım. Yardımınızı bekliyorum
Gelen mail şu:
The buyer has created an account with your registrar, so you can now push the domain into his account and finish the change of ownership for this domain. Please log into your account with your registrar and push the name into his account: Hansen101
As soon as we can verify with the buyer that the push has been completed successfully and that the buyer has control of the domain we will be able to process your payment. Now would be a good time to ensure that your payment details with Sedo are accurate. Please click on the following link:
and login to your Sedo account, in order to verify your information.
Should you have any questions or difficulties with this step please let me know.
Best regards,
Dominik Agolli
anladığım kadarıyla alıcı benim domaini kayıt ettirdiğim registrarda bi hesap açmış ve ona göndermemi istiyorlar. Fakat da böyle bir seçenek bulamadım. Yardımınızı bekliyorum