The problem is due to the fact that your desired name servers have extensions (e.g., ns1.yournameserver.COM and ns2.yournameserver.COM) different than those of your domain name (e.g., yourdomainname.ORG).
.ORG domain names, for instance, do not "naturally" recognize .COM name servers; likewise, .COM names do not "naturally" recognize .ORG, .NET, .INFO, etc. servers. While you cannot make such name / server combinations work, as you know, we can. Thus, I have "introduced" your specific server set to the registry software in charge of your name registration. You should be able to make the servers authoritative for your domain names at this time.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Domainsiteye bir mesaj attım. Bir problem vardı.
Ama ingilizcem yok.
Bir şekilde anlattık. herhalde derdimi anlatabildim ki bir mesaj gönderdiler. Acaba ne diyor ? Teşekkür ederim...
The problem is due to the fact that your desired name servers have extensions (e.g., ns1.yournameserver.COM and ns2.yournameserver.COM) different than those of your domain name (e.g., yourdomainname.ORG).
.ORG domain names, for instance, do not "naturally" recognize .COM name servers; likewise, .COM names do not "naturally" recognize .ORG, .NET, .INFO, etc. servers. While you cannot make such name / server combinations work, as you know, we can. Thus, I have "introduced" your specific server set to the registry software in charge of your name registration. You should be able to make the servers authoritative for your domain names at this time.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Domainsiteye bir mesaj attım. Bir problem vardı.
Ama ingilizcem yok.
Bir şekilde anlattık. herhalde derdimi anlatabildim ki bir mesaj gönderdiler. Acaba ne diyor ? Teşekkür ederim...