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- 1 400 $ borç maili adwords


İyinet Üyesi
19 Haziran 2006
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İmzalanmış olan sözleşme bu.
Google Ireland Limited AdWords Program Terms

These Google Ireland Limited AdWords Program Terms ("Terms") are entered into by you and Google Ireland Limited ("Google") regarding the Google AdWords Program ("Program") as further described in the Program's frequently asked questions at https://adwords.google.com/support/bin/index.py?fulldump=1 (the "FAQs") (collectively, the "Agreement"). "You" or "you" means the party listed on the account you create and you represent you have the authority to agree to this Agreement for that party. You represent and warrant that you are authorized to act on behalf of, and bind to this Agreement, any third party for which you generate ads. You hereby agree and acknowledge:

1 Policies. Program use is subject to all applicable Google and Partner policies, including without limitation the Editorial Guidelines (adwords.google.com/select/guidelines.html), Google Privacy Policy (www.google.com/privacy.html) and Trademark Guidelines (www.google.com/permissions/trademarks.html). Policies may be modified any time. You shall direct only to Google communications regarding your ads on Partner Properties. Some Program features are identified as "Beta," "Ad Experiment," or otherwise unsupported ("Beta Features"). Beta Features are provided "as is" and at your option and risk. You shall not disclose to any third party any information from, existence of or access to Beta Features. Google may modify ads to comply with any Google Property or Partner Property policies.

2 The Program. You are solely responsible for all: (a) keywords and ad targeting options (collectively "Targets") and all ad content and ad URLs ("Creative"), whether generated by or for you; and (b) web sites proximately reachable from Creative URLs and your services and products (collectively "Services"). You shall protect your passwords and take full responsibility for your own, and third party, use of your accounts. Ads may be placed on (y) any content or property provided by Google ("Google Property"), and unless opted-out by you (z) any other content or property provided by a third party ("Partner") upon which Google places ads ("Partner Property"). Google or Partners may reject or remove any ad or Target for any or no reason. You may independently cancel online any campaign at any time (such cancellation is generally effective within 24 hours). Google may cancel immediately any IO, the Program or these Terms at any time with notice (additional notice is not required to cancel a reactivated account). Google may modify the Program or these Terms at any time without liability and your use of the Program after notice that Terms have changed indicates acceptance of the Terms. Sections 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 and 7 will survive any expiration or termination of this Agreement.

3 Prohibited Uses. You shall not, and shall not authorize any party to: (a) generate automated, fraudulent or otherwise invalid impressions or clicks; or (b) advertise anything illegal or engage in any illegal or fraudulent business practice in any state or country where your ad is displayed. You represent and warrant that (x) all your information is correct and current; (y) you hold and grant Google and Partners all rights to copy, distribute and display your ads and Targets ("Use"); and (z) such Use and websites linked from your ads (including services or products therein) will not violate or encourage violation of any applicable laws. Violation of these policies may result in immediate termination of this Agreement or your account without notice and may subject you to legal penalties and consequences.

4 Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability. GOOGLE DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION FOR NONINFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR ANY PURPOSE. Google disclaims all guarantees regarding positioning or the levels or timing of : (i) costs per click, (ii) click through rates, (iii) delivery of any impressions, on any Partner Property or Google Property or sections of such properties, (iv) clicks or (v)_ conversions for any ads or Targets. EXCEPT FOR INDEMNIFICATION AMOUNTS PAYABLE TO THIRD PARTIES HEREUNDER AND YOUR BREACHES OF SECTION 1,TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW: (a) NEITHER PARTY WILL BE LIABLE FOR ANY CONSEQUENTIAL, SPECIAL, INDIRECT, EXEMPLARY, PUNITIVE, OR OTHER DAMAGES WHETHER IN CONTRACT, TORT OR ANY OTHER LEGAL THEORY, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES AND NOTWITHSTANDING ANY FAILURE OF ESSENTIAL PURPOSE OF ANY LIMITED REMEDY; AND (b) EACH PARTY'S AGGREGATE LIABILITY TO THE OTHER IS LIMITED TO AMOUNTS PAID OR PAYABLE TO GOOGLE BY YOU FOR THE AD GIVING RISE TO THE CLAIM. Except for payment, neither party is liable for failure or delay resulting from a condition beyond the reasonable control of the party, including but not limited to acts of God, government, terrorism, natural disaster, labor conditions and power failures.

5 Payment. You shall be charged based on actual clicks or other billing methods you may choose online (e.g. cost per impression). You shall pay all charges in the currency selected by you via your online AdWords account, or in such other currency as is agreed to in writing by the parties. Charges are exclusive of taxes. You are responsible for paying (y) all taxes and government charges, and (z) reasonable expenses and attorney fees Google incurs collecting late amounts. You waive all claims relating to charges unless claimed within 60 days after the charge (this does not affect your credit card issuer rights). Charges are solely based on Google's click measurements. Refunds (if any) are at the discretion of Google and only in the form of advertising credit for Google Properties. You acknowledge and agree that any credit card and related billing and payment information that you provide to Google may be shared by Google with companies who work on Google's behalf, such as payment processors and/or credit agencies, solely for the purposes of checking credit, effecting payment to Google and servicing your account. Google may also provide information in response to valid legal process, such as subpoenas, search warrants and court orders, or to establish or exercise its legal rights or defend against legal claims. Google shall not be liable for any use or disclosure of such information by such third parties.

6 Indemnification. You shall indemnify and defend Google, its agents, affiliates, and licensors from any third party claim or liability (including without limitation reasonable legal fees) arising out of your Program use, Targets, Creative and Services and breach of the Agreement.

7 Miscellaneous. The Agreement must be construed as if both parties jointly wrote it, governed by California law except for its conflicts of laws principles and adjudicated in Santa Clara County, California. The Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof. You may grant approvals, permissions and consents by email, but any modifications by you to the Agreement must be made in a writing (not including email) executed by both parties. Any notices to Google must be sent to: Google Ireland Limited, AdWords Program, 1st and 2nd Floors, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland, with a copy to Legal Department, via first class or air mail or overnight courier, and are deemed given upon receipt. Notice to you may be effected by sending email to the email address specified in your account, or by posting a message to your account interface, and is deemed received when sent (for email) or no more than 15 days after having been posted (for messages in your AdWords interface). A waiver of any default is not a waiver of any subsequent default. Unenforceable provisions will be modified to reflect the parties' intention, and remaining provisions of the Agreement will remain in full effect. You may not assign any of your rights hereunder and any such attempt is void. Google and you and Google and Partners are not legal partners or agents, but are independent contractors.


İyinet Üyesi
25 Ocak 2005
Reaction score
Aynı durumla bende karşı karşıyayım. ancak şuan borcumun ne kadar olduğunu bilmiyorum. Neden diceksiniz çünkü bu durum daha da kötüye gitmesinden endişelenip hesabı kapattım. Ancak hesabı kapattıktan ve kaptma işlemini gerçekleştirmeden önce mail adresime hesabınız durdurulmuştur, yetersiz bakiye lütfen ödeme yapın falan diye bir mesaj geldi. buna rağmen ben kapattırma işleminde bulundum. Bütün bu işlemleri yapmama rağmen reklam gözükmeye devam etmiştir.

Yani borç artmaya devam ediyor.

Ancak ben hesabı iptal ettirdiğim için kullanıcı girişi kapamıyorum..

Yani bir sürü çelişki var. nasıl olurda google, hesabımın kapatılmış olduğunu ve yetersiz bakiye olduğunu bile bile reklamları gösteriyor ?


İyinet Üyesi
19 Haziran 2006
Reaction score
Siteyi kapatacağım.Boş domainlere reklam çıkmıyor.En sağlıklısı bu sanırım. 1400 bir nebze ama ötesini ödeyemem.


İyinet Üyesi
25 Ocak 2005
Reaction score
windows' Alıntı:
Siteyi kapatacağım.Boş domainlere reklam çıkmıyor.En sağlıklısı bu sanırım. 1400 bir nebze ama ötesini ödeyemem.

Dostum senin 1400$ ama birden çok kupon kullanan vatandaş ne yapacak ? bu konuda google'nin bir ödeme yapın diye bir olay içine gireceğeimi ben pek sanmıyorum. Dediğim gibi ben reklamlarımı zamanında iptal etmişim ve reklamlarımın eksik bakiyeden dolayı gösterilmeyeceğini google bana haber vermiş.

Bundan dolayı ödeme yapın diye bir olaya gireceğini zannetmiyorum.

Dostum senin emailinede böyle mesajlar geldi mi ?


İyinet Üyesi
19 Haziran 2006
Reaction score
evet işin kötü yanı siteyi sattım.Domain benim üstümde ve adwords için kullanmadığım bir mail adresime geldi whoisdeki adresime.Bu yüzden tırsıyorum.Yoksa takmam .


İyinet Üyesi
1 Şubat 2006
Reaction score
ben de adwords ten bahsediyorum zaten
nası ödemeden -1400 $ içeri giriosun ki

aynı durum bende de oldu
2 senedir merak ediodum durumu
ama bendeki şöleydi
önce adwords için 5 $ ödeme yapmıştım
sora -80 YTL olmuştu
sora benim kartım iptal olmuştu
sora 2 sene soran olmadı
bu aralar 2-3 tane "80 ytl borcunuz var borcunuzu ödemeden adwords ü kullanamazsınız" diye mailler geliyo.

şimdi ben de diorum ki demek ki adamlar bir nevi kredi mi açıyolar herkese acaba
o zaman reklamı yap kaç modeli işlerdi
bence biyerde bi saçmalık var ama çözemedim :)

bendeki durum 2 senedir 80 ytl borcum var
ama maili yeni gelmeye başladı

seninki nasıldı kaç ay oldu -1400 $ içeri gireli peki


İyinet Üyesi
1 Şubat 2006
Reaction score
yani özetle
şmdi ben adwordse üye olsam yeni hesap açıp
sora 5 $ kayıt ücretini ödesem
reklamlar başlasa
sora ödeme yapmasam
-1400 $ olana kadar kapamazlar diyosunuz en az yani öle mi
ilginç :)
ama ben böle bişeyi gene de denemem
benimki ufak 80 ytl
1400 $ az diil

hem sora o haram kısmı biyerde çıkar


İyinet Üyesi
19 Haziran 2006
Reaction score
Sattığım kişinin açtığı hesap bu şekilde oldu.Ben açmadım ben bitince hep kapattım başka sitelerde kullandığım hesapları.Birde domain mailime mail geldi.Sorun burada.


İyinet Üyesi
1 Ağustos 2004
Reaction score
google ın 1400 dolar gibi bi parayı istemesi söz konusu olamaz bence.. çok saçma... adamın hesabında parası yoksa reklam göstermesini neden sağlıyosun? madem parası bitmiş sende durdur reklamlarını.. hesabına para aktarıncaya kadar beklemede kalsın reklamlar.. böle saçmalık mı olur ya..

o zaman ben gideyim gıcık olduum insanların sitelerine ad campaign düzenleyeyim, bi tıklamaya da 10 dolar vereyim, 1 ayda gıcık olduum insanın ocağına incir ağacını dikerim.. :)

böle bişeyin olacağını zannetmem.. mantık olarak çok saçma çünkü...


İyinet Üyesi
6 Haziran 2006
Reaction score
yapmıştır bi numaralarr windows kendini çok zeki sanıyor sen kalk koskoca gogle dayıyı kandır :) hade bakalım şimdi naaapcann -rep savaşına devam


İyinet Üyesi
19 Haziran 2006
Reaction score
zdearban' Alıntı:
yapmıştır bi numaralarr windows kendini çok zeki sanıyor sen kalk koskoca gogle dayıyı kandır :) hade bakalım şimdi naaapcann -rep savaşına devam
PM deki terbiyesiz kelimeler iyinet admine yollandı.


İyinet Üyesi
6 Haziran 2006
Reaction score
seninde haksızz yere kullandığın repler yollandı

uzatma tamam iyinet pm'i alınca uçacaksın.

seni buraya kim davet ettiyse onu bulmak gerek senin gibi belaları başımıza musallat edıyor

-1400 $ dı dimi çok iyi


İyinet Üyesi
19 Haziran 2006
Reaction score
uzatma tamam iyinet pm'i alınca uçacaksın.
Çocuklarla uğraşacağız anlaşılan.Zahmet çekmem ama.

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