Start advertising today with your free £30 Google AdWords voucher!
Google AdWords allows you to reach thousands of potential new
customers - this email will help you take full advantage of that
Your personal voucher code for £30 free advertising is 577589353955
This code is valid until 31/07/07
To activate the voucher, please go to to
set up your new AdWords account. Start the account set up process
and follow the simple instructions to start your campaign. When you
reach the point of entering your Billing Preferences, you will be invited
to enter your promotional code. You will now have £30 to spend on ads
and your campaigns can begin!
The terms of the voucher are described below. You can run your ads
for as long or as short a period as you want, so you have complete
control. Only one promotional code is valid per customer and you
cannot use the code more than once.
If you would like to know more about AdWords, you can find easy to
use modules within our Learning Centre to help you improve your
You can also access the voiceover enabled presentations that we give
at our Google Universities. These introduce you to Google AdWords and
demonstrate how you can use Google AdWords to extend the reach of
your business.
We hope you enjoy the results you will see from advertising with Google!
The Google Team