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*AWBS, DRAMS Std and DRAMS Plus Change Log*
Patches/updates often contain updated language and template files.
If you have custom language or templates, you should merge the
changes rather than overwriting your files. Tools such as
Beyone Compare work great for this.
Notice: Version 2.0+ REQUIRES a new license if upgrading from prior to 2.0
12/22/2007 v2.7.0
Hypersubmit SEO (Reseller and API reseller methods)
IDN Support (Enom, Onlinenic, Irrp)
Enom SSL Reselling
features.php (CHANGE)
global.php (CHANGE)
omanage.php (CHANGE)
seomanage.php (NEW)
sslmanage.php (NEW)
resellerclub/DomainMain.php (CHANGE)
resellerclub/DomainContacts.php (CHANGE)
enom/DomainContacts.php (CHANGE)
enom/DomainMain.php (CHANGE)
enom/DomainNs.php (CHANGE)
bulkregister/DomainContacts.php (CHANGE)
bulkregister/DomainMain.php (CHANGE)
bulkregister/DomainNs.php (CHANGE)
bulkregister/DomainContacts.php (CHANGE)
bulkregister/emailmgmt.php (CHANGE)
bulkregister/dspincheck.php (CHANGE)
includes/cp2.php (CHANGE)
group1menu.php (renamed to group1menu-new.php in zip. Rename to group1menu.php to use) (CHANGE)
checkidn.php (NEW)
seomanagelist.php (NEW)
sslmanage.php (NEW)
seomanage.php (NEW)
welcome.php (CHANGE)
usermenu.php (CHANGE)
idprotect.php (CHANGE)
history.php (CHANGE)
emailarchive.php (CHANGE)
journal.php (CHANGE)
pricingfull.php (CHANGE)
forms/oform.php (CHANGE)
Addresses the following issues and adds the following features:
- (CHANGE) Added legal case for .it domains
- (CHANGE) Users can toggle IDP on/off from manage area now (Enom module). Also added new image for Order Now when IDP is not active
- (CHANGE) Most passwords are now stored encoded in the DB. You must run the DB password encoding script when prompted during upgrades
- (CHANGE) Many code tweaks to speed up execution throughout
- (CHANGE) Many new Extended Config items added. See /docs/extended_config.txt for unlisted keys available
- (CHANGE) Server stock will auto-decrement on order now
- (CHANGE) When a customer orders hosting for a domain already registered by them, the domains nameserver settings will be set to the
namservers you have specified for that package/server. If you do not want this, set it off with the extended config key/value (see docs)
Only enom and resellerclub currently supported
- (CHANGE) Added link in admin domain manager to resync the Enom EPP key
- (CHANGE) One-Time priced addons had a problem if the hosting package default term was not monthly
- (CHANGE) Added search boxes to history and emailarchive pages in user area
- (CHANGE) Added alternate view method for hosting order page (Layout 2)
- You need to rename the file /includes/hstable-rename-me.php to /includes/hstable.php
- (CHANGE) AWBS will check if the language files exists at "/includes/language/[templatedir]/[language]/*" now. If they exist, it will include
them instead of the normal language files at "/includes/language/[language]/*"
- (CHANGE) Added initial IDN support (Enom, Onlinenic and IRRP currently) (VERY EXPERIMENTAL)
- (CHANGE) Added Hypersubmit SEO module (EXPERIMENTAL)(Reseller and API reseller methods)
- (CHANGE) Added Enom SSL Reselling module (EXPERIMENTAL)
- (CHANGE) Privacy Protection service is now available with Resellerclub
- (CHANGE) $_SESSION['groupidnum'] will contain the users group id number when logged in now
- (CHANGE) When managing an Enom domain AWBS will live check if IDP is active
- (CHANGE) Made other package formfield vars available in invoice emails as well as activation emails
- (CHANGE) Made dedicated server package formfield vars available in both invoice emails and activation emails
- (CHANGE) Failed CC charge emails are sent out on every charge fail now
- (CHANGE) Lost Password will check the hosting and server lists for a domain match now
- (CHANGE) Hostopia module will use disableWeb and enableWeb commands now (actually disables the site) on suspend/unsuspend
- (CHANGE) You can add %%INVOICELATEDESC%% to the LATE INVOICE mail template now
- This will be auto-populated with invoice ID, due date and description from each late invoice
- (FIX) Late notices should only count invoices that are actually late in the mail stats now
- (FIX) Critcal fix: Intermittant queue status change error fixed
- (FIX) If enom was down AND a domain (not uk) had a 2 yr minimum, the invoice would be created for 1 year
- (FIX) Coupon start/end times are more accurate now
- (FIX) Intermittant tax rounding error corrected
- (FIX) Idevaffiliate recurring problem, when paying multiple affiliates in one run, fixed
- (FIX) Tweaks to Cpanel 11 module
- (FIX) Tweaks to Resellerclub module
- (FIX) Tweaks to Bulkregister module
- (FIX) Sorting issue in helpdesk fixed
- (FIX) Custom 'other' queue jobs were not always running
- (FIX) DNS Hosting auto-renews were treated like domain renews
- (FIX/CHANGE) Misc other fixes/tweaks
Note: You MUST be running AWBS 2.6.3 to use this upgrade patch.
1. Make a complete file backup of your AWBS site.
2. Download and unzip upgrade/patch from or your AWBS Authorized Reseller website.
3. Put your site in maintenance mode (System Options)
4. Make a database backup.
5. Upload all files to your AWBS site in binary mode.
6. Surf to and run install/update270.php
7. Upon completion of step6, you will be prompted to run the password encryptor. This MUST be run, and only run once!
8. Delete directory named 'install'.
9. Login as super admin and verify all configuration settings.
10. Turn maintenance mode off.