Kodu Böyle olan bir arama scripti var google benzeri. Benik yapmak istedeğim aramalarını ve arama url'sini database'e kaydetmek. Script sql kullanmıyor yani tablo falan hiç yok. Aranan kelimeleri yani arama değeri (galiba $q) ve aramanın Urlsi (galiba $url) 'ni databasede olusturdugum tablo icine nasıl kaydedebilirim....
if($_GET) { extract($_GET, EXTR_PREFIX_SAME, "get_"); }
if($_POST) { extract($_POST, EXTR_PREFIX_SAME, "post_"); }
if ($yourGoogleKey == "insert your Google key here") {
echo "You didn't insert a Google Key Yet ! Get one at www.google.com/apis/ ..";
if ($query && $www) {
$q = urldecode($query);
if ($www != "true") { $q.= " site:$yourWebsite"; }
if(!$start) { $start=0; } else { $start = intval($start); }
$parameters = array(
"q" => $q, // search query
"start" => $start, // result start index
"maxResults" => 10, // 10 is the maximum
"filter" => false, // filtering similar entries
"restrict" => "", // country and topic restrictions
"safeSearch" => false, // absürt content filter
"lr" => "", // language restrictions
"ie" => "", // deprecated and ignored parameter
"oe" => "" // deprecated and ignored parameter
$soapclient = new soapclient("http://api.google.com/search/beta2");
$result = $soapclient->call("doGoogleSearch", $parameters, "urn:GoogleSearch");
$begin = $start + 1;
$end = $start + $parameters["maxResults"];
$total = $result["estimatedTotalResultsCount"];
// html headers, stylesheet and search form
<?php include("header_search.php");?>
// display results table if a search has been done
if ($query && $www) {
echo "<table width=\"609\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"10\" border=\"0\">\n";
echo "<tr class=\"row\"><td width=\"90%\" class=\"row\"></td></tr>\n";
if ($total == 0){
echo "<tr><td class=\"alert\">Your search returned no results ..</td></tr>\n";
if ($total > 0) {
$result = $result["resultElements"];
for ($i = 0; $i < $parameters["maxResults"]; $i++) {
$element = $result[$i];
$url = $element["URL"];
$title = $element["title"];
$snippet = $element["snippet"];
if ($url != "") {
echo "<tr>\n";
echo "<td><span class='list'>".($i+$begin).".</span> <a href='$url' class='link'>$title</a><br><span class='gray_small'>$snippet</span><br><a href='$url' class='link_small'>$url</a></td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr><td><br>";
if($begin > 1) { echo "<a href=\"google.php?query=$query&www=$www&start=".($start - 10)."\">previous 10 results</a> | "; }
echo "showing $begin to $end of $total results";
if ($end < $total) { echo " | <a href=\"search.php?query=$query&www=$www&start=".($start + 10)."\">next 10 results</a>"; }
echo "</td></tr>\n";
echo "</table>";
<?php include("footer_search.php");?>