Merhaba arkadaslar. domainlerimin hepsini turkticaret te bulunduruyorum. bugun bir mail gelmis. buna bagli olarak belirttigi domainimin mail adresi degismis [email protected] olmus maili aynen yaziyorum lutfen durum hakkinda beni bilgilendirebilirmisiniz...
Some of the registrant information on the following domain(s) has
been changed. This may reflect a change of email address, physical
address, or personal ownership. If this is correct, please accept
this e-mail as notification of the update. If this is in error, please
contact us within five (5) business days to resolve the matter.
The Automated Settings Change System
**** IMPORTANT NOTE: Please do not reply to this email for support.
If you had a problem with your order and would like to contact
CustomerCare, please COPY and PASTE this link into your browser window.
Customer Care Center:
Some of the registrant information on the following domain(s) has
been changed. This may reflect a change of email address, physical
address, or personal ownership. If this is correct, please accept
this e-mail as notification of the update. If this is in error, please
contact us within five (5) business days to resolve the matter.
The Automated Settings Change System
**** IMPORTANT NOTE: Please do not reply to this email for support.
If you had a problem with your order and would like to contact
CustomerCare, please COPY and PASTE this link into your browser window.
Customer Care Center: