Network maintenance – Saturday 1/7/2006 3AM-7AM
We have received a notification from Cogent that they will perform service affecting maintenance this upcoming Saturday. The maintenance involves replacement/upgrade of their UPS and battery systems that services the Chicago Board of Trade building. They gave us 4 hour window but the actual downtime is expected not to last more than 30-90 minutes.
As soon as Cogent goes down this Saturday we`ll use that downtime to put in new Cisco router we got and we will make some router topology adjustments which will fix the packet loss issues that have been affecting some customers in recent weeks.
Cogent recently notified us that they will replace their core router in Chicago and the router that is used for FDC`s uplink. The new routers should be put in place in February/March time. These new routers will have better filtering capability than the existing gear we`re hooked up to which should prove helpful when it comes DDOS mitigation. Furthermore with these new routers Cogent will be able to deploy multiple 10GE connectivity for our datacenter.
As you may already know we have signed up new ISP to deliver IP connectivity for our network. The new ISP is RCN which operates large cable modem network with more than 600 000 subscribers. RCN uses Telia as their main transit provider. Telia operates US and European IP backbone. You can see some details about their network at
The fiber hand off from RCN has been installed and we plan to accept the service as soon as the new server room goes online which should be 1-2 weeks from now