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Gazzin den gelen mail ne diyor acaba...


İyinet Üyesi
27 Ağustos 2005
Reaction score
gazzinde olan hesabım hakkında aşağıdaki emaili aldım ve bazı sitelerimde sorun var açılmıyorlar ingilizcem iyi değil ne yazikki aşağıda kısaca ne diyorlar acaba rica etsem...

I apologize for the wrong instructions that was sent on the previous emails. In order to access your emails please use the following IP 69.50.xxx.xxx instead of using the hostname. This can be done by FTP as well. If you need us to transfer your data to the primary server that is being used please open up a ticket so we may resolve your query
If you require further assistance please feel free to contact us

The move on donkey.unixbsd.info to camel.unixbsd.info has been completed. Please verify if your data integrity is ok as we will be keeping up the old server for two more days. If you would like to access your old email from the old server simply use pop3 / webmail / imap. To use any of these protocols instead of using domain.com name please use the following IP 216.240.xxx.xx I would advise downloading all the emails.

As of now we are still fixing users issues as well as some other servers being transferred therefore there are delays in our ticket system. Within 1 week you should see significant changes to our support and our server end. All billing / sales queries have been queued therefore not advise to send to these departments for emergencies.

All issues of RBL, blacklist, lag and so on have been resolved. We will be taking the server down one more time for APC rebooter install allowing our team to quickly resolve issues.
If you have further issues please contact us on live chat or support.


İyinet Üyesi
4 Mart 2005
Reaction score
Server değişimi olmuş sanırım. Ve önceki maillerde yanlış bilgi verdikleri için özür diliyor. Eski mail datalarına ulaşmak için. 216.240 lı ip adresini, yenisi için ise 69.50 li ip adresini kullanabilirmişsin. 69 lu ip adresi yeni server ın sanırım. Sorun olursada ticket sisteminden sorabilirmişsin..

Türkiye’nin ilk webmaster forum sitesi iyinet.com'da forum üyeleri tarafından yapılan tüm paylaşımlardan; Türk Ceza Kanunu’nun 20. Maddesinin, 5651 Sayılı Kanununun 4. maddesinin 2. fıkrasına göre, paylaşım yapan üyeler sorumludur.
