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İngilizce çevirisi iyi olan ?


İyinet Üyesi
12 Haziran 2010
Reaction score
// Reporting
$t_report_answer = 'Report Answer';
$t_reported_answers = 'Reported Answers';
$t_report_question = 'Report Question';
$t_reported_questions = 'Reported Questions';
$t_reported_comments = 'Reported Comments';
$t_report_comment = 'Report Comment';
$t_report_content = 'Report Content';
$t_reported_content = 'Reported Content';
$t_login_signup_report_content_text = 'Login or Sign Up to Report Content';
$t_settings_link = 'Settings';
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$t_no_reported_questions_text = 'There are no Reported Questions at this time.';
$t_report_count = 'Report Count';
$t_actions_text_heading = 'Actions';
$t_delete_link_text = 'Delete';
$t_clear_report_count_link = 'Clear Report Count';
$t_no_reported_comments_text = 'There are no Reported Comments at this time.';
$t_no_reported_answers_text = 'There are no Reported Answers at this time.';
$t_report_content_message_text = 'Please confirm that you would like to report this for an admin to review.';


$t_message_forgot_note_text = 'You forgot to enter some text for your note. No note was added.';
$t_message_note_added_to_question = 'Note added to your question.';
$t_message_best_answer_selected = 'Best answer has been selected.';
$t_message_forgot_answer_text = 'You forgot to enter your Answer.';
$t_message_already_answered_question = 'You have already answered this exact answer for this question.';
$t_message_login_to_report_contnet = 'You need to be logged in to reported this';
$t_message_already_reported_content = 'You have already reported this';
$t_message_sucsess_content_reported = 'Item has been reported to the admin for a review.';
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$t_message_already_commented_comment = 'You have already commented this exact comment for this answer.';
$t_message_forgot_comment_text = 'You forgot to enter your Comment.';
$t_message_sucsess_comment_on_answer = 'Comment has been Posted to that Answer.';
$t_message_forgot_username = 'You forgot to enter your Username.';
$t_message_forgot_password = 'You forgot to enter your Password.';
$t_message_entered_wrong_password = 'You seem to have entered a wrong password.';
$t_message_registration_disabled = 'Sorry, registration is currently disabled.';
$t_message_choose_username = 'Please Choose a Username.';
$t_message_username_already_exists = 'Sorry, that Username already exists.';
$t_message_choose_password = 'Please Choose a Password.';
$t_message_passwords_dont_match = 'Your Passwords don\'t match.';
$t_message_enter_valid_email_address = 'Please enter a valid Email Address';
$t_message_email_address_already_with_other_account = 'Sorry, that email is already in use with another account';
$t_message_enter_current_password = 'Enter your Current Password';
$t_message_enter_new_password = 'Enter a new Password';
$t_message_confirm_your_new_password = 'Confirm your new Password';
$t_message_new_pass_and_confirm_pass_same = 'New Password and Confirm Password must be the same';
$t_message_password_incorrect = 'Current Password is Incorrect';
$t_message_no_member_with_username = 'There is no member with this username.';
$t_message_cant_change_admin_pass = 'You are not allowed to change this user\'s password, Sorry.';
$t_message_sucsess_password_reset = 'Reset email was sent to your email address';
$t_message_enter_title_for_question = 'Enter a title for your quesion.';
$t_message_select_a_cat = 'Please Select a Category.';
$t_message_duplicate_post_question_request = 'You have already asked this exact question.';
$t_message_email_alerts_removed = 'Email alerts removed.';
$t_message_welcome_to_site_text = 'Thank you for signing up for our site! We look forward to your contributions. Feel free to ask questions and help others by answering their questions. Earn Star points by asking and answering questions.'; 
$t_message_password_reset_update_pass = 'Your password was recently reset. We recommended that you update your password to something that you can remember.';
$t_message_change_password_after_reset = 'Change Your Password Now';
$t_message_updated_profile_info_text = 'You have successfully updated your Profile information.';
$t_message_success_change_password = 'Your Password was Successfully Changed.';
$t_message_answer_success_posted = 'Your Answer has been added';
$t_message_setup_complete = 'Setup Completed';
$t_message_setup_modal_hidden = 'Setup modal is now hidden.';
$t_message_image_upload_too_small_text = 'Image Needs to be Bigger then 100 x 100 px';

kodlarındaki yerleri çevirebilecek varmı hayrına? ufak tefek yerleri çeviriyorumda buralarda çok sıkıntım var... doğru dürüst yapamadım, translate ile çevirdim ama uygun cümleleri kuramadım. Yardım edebilecek varmı?

Türkiye’nin ilk webmaster forum sitesi iyinet.com'da forum üyeleri tarafından yapılan tüm paylaşımlardan; Türk Ceza Kanunu’nun 20. Maddesinin, 5651 Sayılı Kanununun 4. maddesinin 2. fıkrasına göre, paylaşım yapan üyeler sorumludur.

Backlink ve Tanıtım Yazısı için iletişime geçmek için Skype Adresimiz: .cid.1580508955483fe5
