Merhaba arkadaşlar, Şöyle bir isteğim var sizlerden, Bir Türkiye haritası var js le yapılmış ve bu haritada ben belli illerin rengini farklı yapmak istiyorum. 2 saattir uğraştım ama yapamadım. Bir yardımcı olabilir misiniz?
Sanırım gerekli olacak bu iki js dosyası, zaten index html de bişey yok sadece bir div alanı var
paths.js Bu js de ben 2 tane il bıraktım konu karakter sayısını aştığı için, ben bu 2 ilden 1ini renkli yapmak istiyorum.
Sanırım gerekli olacak bu iki js dosyası, zaten index html de bişey yok sadece bir div alanı var
Raphaël 2.1.0 - JavaScript Vector Library
Copyright © 2008-2012 Dmitry Baranovskiy (
Copyright © 2008-2012 Sencha Labs (
Licensed under the MIT ( license.
[MENTION=67695]tit[/MENTION]le : Interactive Turkey Map with RaphaelJS
Edited by Selen GORA <[url][/url] - [email][email protected][/email]>
[MENTION=67695]tit[/MENTION]le: Added modalbox
var iscountyselected = false;
var previouscountyselected = "blank";
var start = true;
var past = lisanssız;
var content_dir = "details";
var r = Raphael('map'),
attributes = {
fill: '#e0e0e0',
stroke: '#999',
'stroke-width': 0,
'stroke-linejoin': 'round',
arr = new Array();
for (var county in paths) {
var obj = r.path(paths[county].path);
arr[] = county;
if(arr[county] == 'blank')
obj.attr(attributes).attr( { fill: "#000" } ); /* set blank colour */
if(arr[] != 'blank') /* prevent change of blank colour and mouse click */
{'selected', 'notSelected');
/* add ID to paths */ = arr[];
/* add title (for tooltip) to paths */
obj.attr(attributes).attr( { title: paths[arr[]].name } );
/* add tool tip to map */
$('svg a').tipsy({gravity: 'sw'});
/* end tool tip to map */
/* add crests to bottom and set county selections */{
/* [MENTION=72512]AUTH[/MENTION]or: Taner DOGAN //START */
$.get(content_dir+"/"+arr[]+".html", function (html){
$("#detail").empty().fadeIn(700).append(html).css("display", "block");
"position": "absolute",
"top": ((($("#detail").parent().height() +100 - $("#detail").height()) / 2) + "px")
}).error(function() {
warn = "<p style='text-align:center;'>Bu bölgede kayıt bulunamadı</p><a href='#' class='close'></a>";
$("#detail").empty().fadeIn(700).append(warn).css("display", "block");
/* [MENTION=72512]AUTH[/MENTION]or: Taner DOGAN //END */
if(paths[arr[]].value == 'notSelected')
fill: '#999'
}, 200);
paths[previouscountyselected].value = "notSelected";
paths[arr[]].value = "isSelected";
//alert(paths[arr[]].value = "isSelected");
//alert(arr[] + previouscountyselected);
previouscountyselected = paths[arr[]].name;
if (!start && past != this)
past.animate({ fill: '#e0e0e0' }, 200);
past = this;
start = false;
else if(paths[arr[]].value == 'isSelected')
fill: '#999'
}, 200);
paths[arr[]].value = "notSelected"; /* set path value */
});/* end mark selections */
/* county hover bump */
function hoverin(e){
if(paths[arr[]].value == 'notSelected')
fill: '#ff2525'}, 300);
function hoverout(e){
if(paths[arr[]].value == 'notSelected')
fill: '#e0e0e0'}, 300);
/* end county hover bump */
/* hide name div - !important do not delete - ajax uses contents for event search */
/* [MENTION=72512]AUTH[/MENTION]or: Taner DOGAN //START */
$(".close").live("click", function(){
$("#detail").css("display", "none").empty();
past.animate({ fill: '#e0e0e0' }, 200);
past.animate().mouseover( function() {
fill: '#262e35'}, 300); })
past.animate().mouseout( function() {
fill: '#e0e0e0'}, 300); })
/* [MENTION=72512]AUTH[/MENTION]or: Taner DOGAN //END */
}/* end check on blank */
/*Resize Map*/
} /* end raphael loop */
paths.js Bu js de ben 2 tane il bıraktım konu karakter sayısını aştığı için, ben bu 2 ilden 1ini renkli yapmak istiyorum.
Raphaël 2.1.0 - JavaScript Vector Library
Copyright © 2008-2012 Dmitry Baranovskiy (
Copyright © 2008-2012 Sencha Labs (
Licensed under the MIT ( license.
Document : Interactive Turkey Map with RaphaelJS
Edited by Selen GORA < - [email protected]>
var paths =
blank: {
name: 'blank',
path: ''
balikesir: {
name: 'balikesir',
county: '10',
value: 'notSelected',
path: 'M 141.46624,347.76982 C 140.65523,346.20149 138.88495,344.19317 137.53229,343.30687 C 134.64135,341.41265 131.88945,336.32757 131.88945,332.87978 C 131.88945,330.60453 131.63487,330.48854 127.99208,331.10398 C 125.59855,331.50836 123.8394,331.34935 123.43306,330.69188 C 123.06915,330.10307 121.15295,329.62132 119.17482,329.62132 C 116.87917,329.62132 114.39265,328.71703 112.30056,327.12132 C 108.80148,324.45244 105.95898,323.95179 104.21379,325.69698 C 103.44623,326.46454 101.62355,326.32287 97.850526,325.2024 C 92.07415,323.487 86.237687,324.29187 83.883494,327.1285 C 83.20208,327.94955 81.879823,328.62132 80.945145,328.62132 C 80.010466,328.62132 77.478066,329.9588 75.317589,331.5935 C 70.580585,335.1777 70.118789,335.24512 69.709001,332.41231 C 69.51335,331.05981 68.420121,329.93114 66.88945,329.50135 L 64.38945,328.79938 L 66.63945,328.09372 C 67.87695,327.70561 68.88945,327.04514 68.88945,326.62601 C 68.88945,326.20688 70.23945,325.30477 71.88945,324.62132 C 73.53945,323.93787 74.88945,322.75827 74.88945,322 C 74.88945,321.24173 75.56445,320.62132 76.38945,320.62132 C 77.21445,320.62132 77.88945,319.94632 77.88945,319.12132 C 77.88945,318.29632 78.717218,317.62132 79.728935,317.62132 C 81.801855,317.62132 84.128399,313.40759 83.278437,311.19262 C 82.842679,310.05705 80.994307,309.8022 74.805275,310.02434 C 65.938717,310.34259 65.280293,309.71684 69.077508,304.58083 C 70.88161,302.14065 71.983174,301.62132 75.355002,301.62132 C 77.604192,301.62132 80.437188,300.92597 81.650549,300.0761 C 83.644259,298.67965 84.314676,298.68638 88.613831,300.14598 C 91.230274,301.03429 94.180181,302.62963 95.16918,303.6912 C 97.655126,306.35955 100.5256,306.09801 106.52611,302.65644 C 110.09632,300.60876 111.99503,298.7572 112.75232,296.58486 C 114.26515,292.24513 113.13163,281.75403 110.78878,278.41181 C 109.74415,276.92158 108.88945,275.4009 108.88945,275.03252 C 108.88945,273.73627 118.12599,265.7788 120.24486,265.2496 C 121.42438,264.955 124.13885,265.10969 126.277,265.59336 C 129.58662,266.34201 130.73876,266.11027 134.027,264.03449 C 136.1645,262.68515 137.88945,262.10611 137.88945,262.73794 C 137.88945,263.5435 139.67538,263.6776 143.95519,263.19339 C 149.69246,262.54429 149.96617,262.60944 149.00979,264.39647 C 148.45366,265.43561 147.30139,266.86447 146.4492,267.57173 C 144.40986,269.26424 145.36658,278.8271 148.01669,283.23935 C 149.04671,284.95427 149.89933,287.42927 149.91141,288.73935 C 149.92349,290.04944 150.77934,292.98435 151.8133,295.26139 C 153.25337,298.43278 154.53917,299.68064 157.30873,300.59468 C 159.62281,301.3584 161.48329,302.869 162.47736,304.79133 C 163.94093,307.62156 164.32682,307.77534 169.16915,307.45804 C 174.28162,307.12304 174.3129,307.13916 175.30677,310.62132 C 176.88213,316.14081 179.01964,317.87512 183.26529,317.07864 C 187.84674,316.21915 188.99747,318.39724 185.98516,322.22678 C 184.82613,323.70024 183.88945,326.35536 183.88945,328.16729 C 183.88945,331.81276 179.66393,336.22414 175.31238,337.12161 C 173.97977,337.39645 171.76445,337.85489 170.38945,338.14037 C 167.705,338.69772 167.24071,340.54061 168.97047,343.77271 C 169.56503,344.88366 169.84886,345.99524 169.60121,346.24289 C 169.35356,346.49055 164.9296,347.15944 159.77019,347.72933 C 154.61078,348.29921 149.96195,349.18305 149.43945,349.6934 C 148.91695,350.20376 147.24101,350.62132 145.71513,350.62132 C 143.67607,350.62132 142.55001,349.8656 141.46624,347.76982 z M 133.88945,259.94269 C 131.93243,259.35998 127.74982,252.82565 128.88483,252.12418 C 130.0351,251.41327 138.43378,253.31869 141.70516,255.03275 L 144.2796,256.38163 L 140.12436,258.50148 C 137.83898,259.66739 135.8387,260.56912 135.67929,260.50532 C 135.51988,260.44152 134.71445,260.18833 133.88945,259.94269 z M 121.23453,245.07819 C 120.90884,244.22947 120.87675,243.30069 121.16321,243.01423 C 122.17755,241.99988 127.99922,242.33109 129.13595,243.46782 C 130.00728,244.33915 129.76573,244.62132 128.14847,244.62132 C 126.97093,244.62132 125.72937,245.07132 125.38945,245.62132 C 124.44705,247.14615 121.90033,246.81325 121.23453,245.07819 z '
bilecik: {
name: 'bilecik',
county: '11',
value: 'notSelected',
path: 'M 236.86925,316.25782 L 230.38945,314.02059 L 230.4832,308.57095 C 230.53476,305.57366 230.93513,301.40921 231.37291,299.31664 C 231.85808,296.99757 231.75645,294.65475 231.11263,293.31664 C 228.67771,288.25587 228.89804,286.42921 232.44293,282.28781 C 235.4485,278.77647 235.88945,277.57085 235.88945,272.8644 C 235.88945,268.23271 236.30392,267.05301 238.81253,264.5444 C 242.49878,260.85814 243.48962,260.87219 244.23945,264.62132 C 244.68083,266.82823 245.40271,267.62132 246.97009,267.62132 C 248.14195,267.62132 250.45125,268.7577 252.10187,270.1466 C 254.51988,272.18123 255.76101,272.54844 258.48965,272.03654 C 262.60019,271.2654 266.88664,272.21055 266.89715,273.89037 C 266.90139,274.56739 268.70139,276.14726 270.89715,277.40118 C 273.49968,278.88739 274.88945,280.38976 274.88945,281.71692 C 274.88945,282.83666 275.33649,284.58811 275.88288,285.60905 C 276.72162,287.17625 276.43161,287.56297 274.02039,288.09256 C 270.66116,288.83037 266.60161,293.08129 265.88053,296.61614 C 265.56308,298.17229 264.15307,299.68633 262.13294,300.64018 C 260.35168,301.48125 258.19268,303.17109 257.33516,304.39536 C 256.0939,306.16751 254.80379,306.62132 251.00706,306.62132 C 247.31507,306.62132 245.74705,307.144 244.06376,308.93577 C 241.69258,311.45978 241.14386,316.18837 243.13945,316.90108 C 243.82695,317.14662 244.15536,317.60571 243.86925,317.92128 C 243.58314,318.23685 240.43314,317.4883 236.86925,316.25782 z'