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İyinet Üyesi
27 Kasım 2010
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1.There is nothing unusual about species to become extinct.Of course,no species is immortal,and extinction goes on all the time.Some extinction must happen on a fairly regular basis.In total,762 plants and animal species are now recorded as extinct.Undeniably,in the last 200 years,people have caused this process to speed up.Today 25 percent of mammal species and 12 percent of bird species are threatend with extinction.What's more,it is estimated that one million species will have been lost before we take some serious precautions.Virtually,all extinctions today are caused by human activities.

2.Firstly, people threaten the survival of animal species by chopping down rainforests which are their habitat. Not only are animal species dying out in this way, but also many species of
plants are disappearing. Because of increasing population and industrialization, people keep on building houses and factories in the fields and forests. Obviously, when one completely destroys a habitat, all the species in it will disappear. Mammals, birds,
reptiles, insects and fish are dying out because they are losing their homes.

3.Secondly, animals are dying because of overhunting. One example is the Tibetan Antelope because poachers have been hunting it down for its skin. Elephants are also killed
because people have been using their tusks for jewellery and medicine. Other rare animals that have been threatened with extinction from overhunting are the blue whale, the mountain gorilla and the cheetah. For instance, after some types of whales started to face the danger of extinction, many countries joined together to ban whaling in 1985. But there are some countries where they have been catching them for years.

4.Polluting the air, water and soil also causes some species to die. When the waste from factories is dumped into rivers, it makes them polluted. The fish that live in the river get
poisoned and die. The birds that eat the poisoned fish also get poisoned. In some parts of the world the seas are polluted by oil spills which cause terrible damage to the fragile ecology of the coast. As a result, the birds living there cannot move or find food and eventually die. All around the earth, populations of most species of frogs and toads are also declining because of water pollution.

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