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Lütfen Yardım Arkadaslar


İyinet Üyesi
8 Mart 2005
Reaction score
Arkadaslar sedo mail geldide bi yardım edermisiniz

1. mail
Dear Mr. Togan,

Thankzou for unlcking the domain. Now please send me a short message from [email protected] the admin-c address to ensure you are ready to receive the transfer request.

Best regards,

Edie Dover

2. Mail

Dear Mr. Togan,

Now that we have received the buyer's payment, he will soon be starting the transfer request via his registrar.

Before he can do this though, he will require the AUTH code (authorization code required for a transfer of certain TLDs and ccTLDs) for the transfer of this domain. You can usually find this code in your account at the registrar for this domain, or by contacting your registrar and requesting that they send it to you. Please send us this code as soon as you can so that we can pass it on to the buyer.

In the meanwhile, to ensure that the transfer request can be processed by your registrar you will need to make certain the domain is unlocked and ready for transfer. Usually you can simply log into your account and remove the lock, also referred to by many registrars as "security setting" or "transfer lock". If you are unsure as to whether your domain is unlocked or how to unlock it, please contact your registrar for help.

Once your domain is unlocked or if your domain does not require unlocking, please ensure that the Administrative Contact (Admin-C) email address listed for the domain is current and that you can receive emails at this account. Over this email address you will receive the transfer request which you will need to confirm in order to process the ownership change. The transfer should occur a few days after you have confirmed this transfer request.

Once we have confirmed the change of ownership and the WHOIS database contains the buyer's information we shall send the payment for the domain to you from our escrow account.

Should you have any questions or require any assistance with the technical transfer please feel free to contact me.

Best regards,

Edie Dover

Yardım edin Lütfen


İyinet Üyesi
8 Mart 2005
Reaction score
Sedodaki View Offers kısmındada sunlar yaziyor

2005-07-04 Agreement reached

2005-07-04 The buyer of the domain has yet to confirm his personal details and contract type. Every effort is being made to contact the buyer in order to get him to complete this information. Once this has been done, the transfer can proceed to the next stage.

2005-07-04 We have invoiced the buyer for the sale of your domain. As soon as the payment reaches our escrow account we will inform you and begin the technical transfer.

2005-07-05 We have received full payment for this domain. Please await further instructions from your transfer agent. It is often the case that we have to wait for certain details from the buyer so please be patient during this period.

2005-07-05 Your domain is currently "LOCKED" by your registrar making a transfer impossible. Please remove this lock, or contact your registrar to have it removed, so that we can complete the transfer.

2005-07-06 The domain is now unlocked.

2005-07-06 This domain requires an authorization code (AUTH-Code) in order to be transferred. Please ask your registrar for this code and send it to us as soon as possible.

Ne Yapmam Lazım


dostum inglizcem cok az var benim anladigim su :

[email protected] bu mailine bir mail yollamislar ve onaylaman gerekiyor. Ayrica domainin transefere kapali ise açtirmani istiyorlar. Domain Transfer için açik oldugu an o maili de kabul edersen onaylarsan onlar domaini transfer işlemlerine başlar. Hayırlı olsun sattın demek domaini :)


İyinet Üyesi
8 Mart 2005
Reaction score
Dostum kiliti Actırdımda.. . yazılı maile hicbir mail gelmemiş ne yapmam lazım dondum kaldım valla


İyinet Üyesi
13 Aralık 2004
Reaction score
Domainin kayitli oldugu yerden Auth code alman gerekli. Bu butun domainler icin gerekli deil org veya us icin gerekli mi oyle birseydi tam hatirlamiyorum. Kayitli olan yerden iste bu kodu.

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