Arama motoru devlerinden google Gmailden sonra gmessenger ile msn ve yahoonun tek elinde bulundurduğu instant messenger
piyasasınada girdi.Msn ve yahoo messengerlerden daha üstün olduğu belirtiliyor.mayıs gibi sadece gmail kullananlara
gmaildeki gibi davetiye usulü beta versiyonlarını dağıtacağı dünyanın önde gelen forumlarında kouşuluyor.
Fakat öncelikle 1.4 versiyonunu 15 mart itibariyle bazı kullanıcılarına gönderdi.
Google Messenger For WINDOWS
Google Messenger is an instant messaging program that lets you send
instant messages to your friends, and much more.
Quick Info
File Name:
Download Size:
2.60 MB Download Client - 6281 KB
Date Published:
Google Messenger is an instant messaging program that lets you send
instant messages with cool emoticons, send pictures and other files to
your friends, see when someone is typing a message to you, page a
contact's mobile phone, and much more.
System Requirements
Supported Operating Systems: TabletPC, Windows 2000, Windows 2000
Server, Windows 2000 Service Pack 2, Windows 2000 Service Pack 3,
Windows 2000 Service Pack 4, Windows 98, Windows 98 Second Edition,
Windows ME, Windows XP, Windows XP Media Center Edition, Windows XP
Service Pack 1
Multimedia PC with 233MHz processor or faster (500MHz recommended)
Microsoft Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows Millenium, or Windows XP
operating system
Minimum 64MB of RAM (128MB recommended)
Up to 50MB of hard disk space needed to install — after install, up to
15MB may be needed
256-color VGA or higher resolution graphics card (SVGA recommended)
Minimum 800x600 screen resolution
Microsoft(r) Internet Explorer version 5.01 or later must be installed
on your computer, though it does not need to be your default browser
Gmail Staff
All rights reserved.
Edvard Hawking.
piyasasınada girdi.Msn ve yahoo messengerlerden daha üstün olduğu belirtiliyor.mayıs gibi sadece gmail kullananlara
gmaildeki gibi davetiye usulü beta versiyonlarını dağıtacağı dünyanın önde gelen forumlarında kouşuluyor.
Fakat öncelikle 1.4 versiyonunu 15 mart itibariyle bazı kullanıcılarına gönderdi.
Google Messenger For WINDOWS
Google Messenger is an instant messaging program that lets you send
instant messages to your friends, and much more.
Quick Info
File Name:
Download Size:
2.60 MB Download Client - 6281 KB
Date Published:
Google Messenger is an instant messaging program that lets you send
instant messages with cool emoticons, send pictures and other files to
your friends, see when someone is typing a message to you, page a
contact's mobile phone, and much more.
System Requirements
Supported Operating Systems: TabletPC, Windows 2000, Windows 2000
Server, Windows 2000 Service Pack 2, Windows 2000 Service Pack 3,
Windows 2000 Service Pack 4, Windows 98, Windows 98 Second Edition,
Windows ME, Windows XP, Windows XP Media Center Edition, Windows XP
Service Pack 1
Multimedia PC with 233MHz processor or faster (500MHz recommended)
Microsoft Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows Millenium, or Windows XP
operating system
Minimum 64MB of RAM (128MB recommended)
Up to 50MB of hard disk space needed to install — after install, up to
15MB may be needed
256-color VGA or higher resolution graphics card (SVGA recommended)
Minimum 800x600 screen resolution
Microsoft(r) Internet Explorer version 5.01 or later must be installed
on your computer, though it does not need to be your default browser
Gmail Staff
All rights reserved.
Edvard Hawking.