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Sitenizin (RSS) Beslemesini Gönderebileceğiniz RSS Submit Listesi


İyinet Üyesi
30 Mart 2010
Reaction score
Merhaba arkadaşlar yabancı bir webmaster forumunda gezinirken gözüme bir kaç konu çarptı sizlerle paylaşmak istedim.

Web siteleriniz siteadresi.com/feed/rss linkini , farklı sitelere ekleyerek rss de görünen mevcut konularınıza backlink elde etmiş olacaksınız.

RSS feed beslemelerinizi aşağıdaki listelere ekleyerek siteniz için çok sayıda backlink elde edebilirsiniz. Umarım işinize yarar.

[font=Verdana, Arial, Tahoma, Calibri, Geneva, sans-serif]

RSS Feeds

RSS Network - submit RSS feeds

Syndic8 - submit RSS feeds

DayPop - post your RSS feed or blog

Feedster - submit your RSS feed

Rocket News - post your RSS feed

Technorati - submit your RSS feed to be pinged

Userland - submit rss feeds

Postami - submit rss feeds

Finance Investing Feeds - Only submit finance or investment related feeds.

Security Protection Feeds - Submit only security or protection related feeds RSS feeds select appropriate category.

Realty Feeds - Submit only home related RSS feeds. Be sure to select the appropriate category.

Medical Feeds - Submit feeds related to medical care or health.

Religious Podcasts - Submit only podcasts that relate to religion, sermon or spiritual beliefs.

Sports Feeds - Submit sports related RSS feeds and podcasts.

Political Feeds - Submit political feeds and podcasts.

Government Feeds - Submit feeds ONLY from government agencies. Feeds from both Local and federal governments are accepted.

Educational Feeds - Submit feeds and podcasts related to education.

2RSS - submit rss and assign category (on bottom)

NewsMob - submit rss news feeds

RocketInfo - submit your rss content and feed

Edu RSS - harvests only feeds dealing with educational technology and related issues. All feeds are reviewed before being added to the list.

Sourceforge.net- submit News using XML

Complete RSS - enter the url(s) of the feeds you wish to add to the directory.

Feeds.com.br - add rss feeds

Memigo - submit a news link to memigo

BulkFeeds - submit an rss feed

Ping-O-Matic - rss feed submissions (pings site)

Yenra - submit RSS news feed

easyRSS - gives you a direct access to the content you are interested in.

NewsXS - submit rss feeds

FeedFarm - all submitted feeds are reviewed

FastBuzz - submit feeds

Search4RSS - submit RSS feeds

DeskFeeds - rss feed and blog submissions

Terrar - rss feed submissions

The Feed Spot - submit feeds

StepNewz - submit rss news feeds

RSS Verzeichnis - German feed submissions

4Guys from Rolla - submit feeds

DevASP - add feed listing

FuzzySoftware - submit XML listings

ASP Index - submit RSS feeds

SourceForge - submit news feeds

Feed Directory - submit RSS feeds in the feed directory.

FeedBeagle - submit feeds (scroll down)

FeedPlex - submit feeds

Feeds4All - submit RSS feeds

Plazoo - submit RSS feeds

Newzfire - submit RSS feeds

Feed24 - RSS feed submissions

Shas3 - Submit RSS feeds select appropriate category

FeedCat - Submit RSS feeds select appropriate category

RSS Clipping - add RSS urls

Read A Feed - add RSS urls

Loomia - add RSS feeds

Feeds2Read - add your RSS feeds

Feedzie - add your RSS feeds

RSS Portal - add your RSS feeds

RSS Feed 4U - add your RSS feeds

StepNewz - suggest RSS feeds

StepNewz - suggest RSS feeds

JordoMedia - suggest RSS feeds

RSS Mad - add an RSS feed (on bottom right side)

FeedBomb - Navigate category and suggest a feed.

nFeeds - Submit RSS feeds only.

Auto Feeds - Submit automotive feeds only.

News Goblin - Submit automotive feeds only.

Wordum - Submit automotive feeds only

FeedSee - Submit feeds using keyword searches.

Submit Feeds - RSS submission feeds

Feedooyoo - Submit RSS feeds

Science Port - Add RSS feeds

FeedAge - Submit RSS feeds

GoldenFeed - Submit RSS feeds

RSSMicro - Submit RSS feeds

Octora RSS Feeds - Submit RSS feeds

FeedFury - Submit RSS feeds

RSSMotron - Submit RSS feeds

FindRSS - Submit RSS feeds

FeedBase - Submit RSS feeds

RSSMotron - Submit RSS feeds

MoreNews.be - Submit RSS feeds

Day Time News - Submit RSS feeds

FeedGod - suggest a feed (on the right)

RSSBuffet - submit an RSS feed

SolarWarp- submit an RSS feed

Feedest - submit a feed

RSSMicro - submit a feed

FeedBees.com - submit an RSS Feed

RSS Mountain - submit RSS

FeedSee - human edited RSS submissions

RSSSpan - Feeds Directory Search.

FeedNuts - Feeds Directory Search.

Submit Blogs and Blog RSS Feeds

Blog Digger - submit your rss feed for your blog

ReadABlog - submit your blog

Blogarama - submit your blog

BlogStreet - blog submissions

Globe of Blogs - submit your rss feed for you blog

Kmax Blog Links - blog submission

BlogSearchEngine - submit rss feeds for web logs

BlogHop - submit feeds for blogs

EatonWeb - submit feed for online blogs

PopDex - feed sumbission for web blogs

Blo.gs - blog submissions

BlogCensus - submit your rss feed for your blog

BlogTree - blog submission

BlogStreet - rss feed submission for blog

BritBlog - blog submission

BlogLines - submit your blog to the directory

Australian Blog Directory - submit your blog

BoingBoing - submit blogs for review

RootBlog - enter the URL of a RSS feed you want to added to the database.

Weblog Directory - submit blog to directory

BlogoSphere EcoSystems - add your weblog

Blogz - add your blog

BlogWatcher - submit the url of your web log

BlogMatcher - submit your blog url

BlogPulse - automated trend discovery system for blogs

BlogCatalog - The Ultimate Blog Directory - Search For Blogs

Blogdir - spanish blog community

Blogs R Us - add feed

Blogs By City - add your blog!

FeedMap - submit a blog!

BlogSearch - submit blogs

BlogSweet - blog feed submission.

BlogFlux - blog feed submission.

Blogtastic - blog feed submission.

Blog Introduction - submit blogs.

Finding Blog - blog submissions

Bulletize - blog submissions

BlogTopSites - blog submissions

Blog Fuse- blog submissions

Blogion- blog submissions

AddUrlBlog- add blogs

Blogbib- add blogs

BOTW Blog- add blogs

Blog Directory Submit- add blogs

BlogTopSites- add blogs (they will provide required code that must be inserted in your website, in order for blogtopsites to rank your blog)

iBlogBusiness - add business blogs only

BlogSiteZone - manually add blogs to directory.

BlogTopList - adds blogs to directories.

BlogBurst - adds blogs to directories.

Podcast Submissions


Podcasting Station - submit podcasts

Podcast Submission Directory - submit podcasts[/font][/color]
Moderatör tarafında düzenlendi:


İyinet Üyesi
2 Nisan 2011
Reaction score
hocam +rep güzel konu. yanlız zamanla ve listedeki sitelere abanmayarak bu işlemi yapmalarını öneririm yoksa çoook kötü sonuçlar elde etmeniz karamsarlık olmaz!


İyinet Üyesi
Onaylı Üye
18 Kasım 2009
Reaction score
Oğuzcum mesajım bulunsun süpersin sen. :D

+++ az gelir sana msnden süprizimi yaparım. :D


İyinet Üyesi
Onaylı Üye
17 Eylül 2010
Reaction score
Bunların hepsine birden direk kayıt yapacak olan bir site varmı :)

Türkiye’nin ilk webmaster forum sitesi iyinet.com'da forum üyeleri tarafından yapılan tüm paylaşımlardan; Türk Ceza Kanunu’nun 20. Maddesinin, 5651 Sayılı Kanununun 4. maddesinin 2. fıkrasına göre, paylaşım yapan üyeler sorumludur.
