Opsiyon 1 : 199 dolar aktivasyon ücreti ödeyerek godaddy ile devam edebilirsmisim.
Opsiyon 2 : 75 dolar vererek hostumu baska yere tasıyabilirmisim.
Ya ben o parayı bulsaydım ucuz godady kampanyası pesinde kosarmıydım. Sitemin icinde zip li ice cold dosyası varmıs ben tek tek dosyamı inceliycem. 150 MB site . bikaç kilobyte lık bi dosya vede tamamen millet Frozen edilen hesaplarını acabilsin diye. Bu dosya yuzunden hesap SUSPEND edilmis. ALLAH ASKINA SOLEYIN ADAM GIBI BI HOST FIRMASI da ASP ve .NET desteklide bitsin bu çile . telefonla arayıp DISCUSS edicekmisim. sanki saldırı yaptık sunucuya IKIZ KULELERI BOMBALADIK
herneyse ALLAH BUNLARDAN UZAK ETSIN BIZI . privacy policy e baktım dosya adı filan yazıor sanki tek tek dosya sorucaz UYGUNMU host etmeye die...
Go Daddy's Security Operations Center recently advised the Abuse Department that the web hosting account was host to a malicious “ice_reloaded.exe” file. This file was detected, quarantined and removed from our network by our Network Security staff. Your web hosting account potentially threatened the connectivity of Go Daddy's network because it housed this malicious file, which is a violation of Go Daddy's Universal Terms of Service Agreement. This type of abusive action is, of course, unacceptable; web hosting account was suspended as a result.
At this point you have two options:
----- Option # 1: Remain a Go Daddy customer; reactivate your web hosting account.
If you wish to remain a Go Daddy customer and reactivate web hosting account you must reply to this message with the following:
1. A statement that you will not host or allow a third party to host these types of malicious scripts or files in the future.
2. A statement that you have reviewed Go Daddy's terms of service policies, with your assurance that these policies will not be violated in the future. Go Daddy Legal Agreements and Terms of Service policies are located on Go Daddy's "Legal Agreement" page. Click the following link to access Go Daddy's "Legal Agreements" page: https://www.godaddy.com/gdshop/agreements.asp.
3. Authorization for GoDaddy.com to charge the credit card on file for your account a non-refundable $199 reactivation fee (you may want to log into your Go Daddy account and confirm that the card on file is valid and has not expired).
Please understand that if the problem persists, after your web hosting account has been reactivated the first time, the services in question will be immediately canceled.
----- Option #2: Transfer your website to another web hosting provider.
If option #1 is not agreeable to you, or you are unable to abide by these spam policies, you will need to transfer your domain name to another registrar and website to another web hosting provider. To do this you will need to reply to this message with the following information:
1. A statement that you will transfer your website to another web hosting provider within the next 24 hours.
2. Authorization for GoDaddy.com to charge the credit card on file for your account a $75 administration fee.
Opsiyon 2 : 75 dolar vererek hostumu baska yere tasıyabilirmisim.
Ya ben o parayı bulsaydım ucuz godady kampanyası pesinde kosarmıydım. Sitemin icinde zip li ice cold dosyası varmıs ben tek tek dosyamı inceliycem. 150 MB site . bikaç kilobyte lık bi dosya vede tamamen millet Frozen edilen hesaplarını acabilsin diye. Bu dosya yuzunden hesap SUSPEND edilmis. ALLAH ASKINA SOLEYIN ADAM GIBI BI HOST FIRMASI da ASP ve .NET desteklide bitsin bu çile . telefonla arayıp DISCUSS edicekmisim. sanki saldırı yaptık sunucuya IKIZ KULELERI BOMBALADIK
Go Daddy's Security Operations Center recently advised the Abuse Department that the web hosting account was host to a malicious “ice_reloaded.exe” file. This file was detected, quarantined and removed from our network by our Network Security staff. Your web hosting account potentially threatened the connectivity of Go Daddy's network because it housed this malicious file, which is a violation of Go Daddy's Universal Terms of Service Agreement. This type of abusive action is, of course, unacceptable; web hosting account was suspended as a result.
At this point you have two options:
----- Option # 1: Remain a Go Daddy customer; reactivate your web hosting account.
If you wish to remain a Go Daddy customer and reactivate web hosting account you must reply to this message with the following:
1. A statement that you will not host or allow a third party to host these types of malicious scripts or files in the future.
2. A statement that you have reviewed Go Daddy's terms of service policies, with your assurance that these policies will not be violated in the future. Go Daddy Legal Agreements and Terms of Service policies are located on Go Daddy's "Legal Agreement" page. Click the following link to access Go Daddy's "Legal Agreements" page: https://www.godaddy.com/gdshop/agreements.asp.
3. Authorization for GoDaddy.com to charge the credit card on file for your account a non-refundable $199 reactivation fee (you may want to log into your Go Daddy account and confirm that the card on file is valid and has not expired).
Please understand that if the problem persists, after your web hosting account has been reactivated the first time, the services in question will be immediately canceled.
----- Option #2: Transfer your website to another web hosting provider.
If option #1 is not agreeable to you, or you are unable to abide by these spam policies, you will need to transfer your domain name to another registrar and website to another web hosting provider. To do this you will need to reply to this message with the following information:
1. A statement that you will transfer your website to another web hosting provider within the next 24 hours.
2. Authorization for GoDaddy.com to charge the credit card on file for your account a $75 administration fee.