12DP de mail atmış, anlamadım...
Dear Member,
This is a mass reply. Please read the entire message before deciding which option is best suited for your situation. As always please remember to read the member news as Charis will keep us posted on all updates concerning 12dailypro.
1. Upgrades and Stormpay
We have become aware that 12dp StormPay upgrades seem to have been disabled by Stormpay sometime this evening.
We have yet to receive any notification from them this evening as to why this has happened. We have attempted to contact them directly without success.
We would like to be optimistic in our hopes that this is a technical glitch of some sort. We will keep you updated here as we know more. But it will likely be the morning before we get any response from them.
2. Missing Payments in Stormpay
The support staff is working very hard to get all missing payments resolved. However due to the latest update from Stormpay, we will need time to allow a resolution and then process these payments. Your patience as we try to process your payment is appreciated. If you have not received payment then please submit an email to
pnr@12dailypro.com only ONCE and we will process your payment as soon as we are able to process them.
Please do not submit a ticket to the ticket system concerning the missing payment you have submitted to the
pnr@12dailypro.com mailbox. Once again, thank you for your patience as we try to resolve all member support matters.
3. Stormpay and Compounded Payments
There are still a handful of remaining Stormpay and Compounded to StormPay payments to be made for expiration 1/23.
We were to complete those payments last evening on 2/1, but were unable to due the the unexplained hold on our StormPay account. We hope to have news regarding this recent event and an updated payment schedule for all withdrawals tomorrow morning after we speak with our contacts at StormPay.
We ask for your patience as we are working to get all tickets resolved.
Please only reopen the ticket if your ticket does not fall into any of the categories above. Again thank you for your patience and for contacting the customer support team.