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stormpay ve 12dailypro hakkinda genis aciklama


İyinet Üyesi
17 Ocak 2006
Reaction score
12 dp de account settings de Payment Processor kısmına bir bakın boş :)
galiba bi şeyler oluyor.daha 2 dakika önce sadece emo vardı şimdi hiçbirşey yok hayırdır inşallah


İyinet Üyesi
13 Ağustos 2004
Reaction score
We have recieved notice that a group of 12daily Pro members who are students at a Utah university have created and have been promoting a website to fellow students, that falsely claims we are investment opportunity and urging students to contact them if they want to place an investment with our company. They have also been handing out business cards with our name on them. These students may have also given the impression that we are a pyramind scheme of sorts, which we cannot in adctuality be beccause we offer only a simple one level referral program.

Our terms clearly state that 12dp is not an investment opportunity and we have never presented it as such.

It seems that there are multiple sites and groups of our members doing similiar things. This has created a very difficult situation for us. None of these things were approved or sanctioned by our program.

Due to questions being raised, we want to be proactive in cooperating with any authorities that may want to ask questions. We feel at this time, it is best that we stop accepting upgrade purchases while we attempt to prove to whoever may question, exactly what our business model is and is not.

We are unsure what this will mean for the future of the program, but we want you to know we will do our best to communicate what is happening to you. We will also be formulating a refund strategy should that become necessary.

Our funds remain frozen with StormPay so we have no idea at this point how long that refund process will take.

Please know we are going to do all we can to prove that all we have done here is offer people a effective way to promote their online businesses and earn by engaging with the advertising of other members.

We will post news items as we have more information. Should the site need to be taken down for any reason as a result of these matters, you can still contact us by fax if needed. 1-866-308-0133

As I have supported and worked for you all over the past 10 months, I hope that I can count on your support in this matter as well.

Thank you.

birisi açıklamasını yapabilirmi yanlış bişiyler anladım sanırımda...


İyinet Üyesi
30 Ocak 2006
Reaction score
12DP de mail atmış, anlamadım...
Dear Member,

This is a mass reply. Please read the entire message before deciding which option is best suited for your situation. As always please remember to read the member news as Charis will keep us posted on all updates concerning 12dailypro.

1. Upgrades and Stormpay

We have become aware that 12dp StormPay upgrades seem to have been disabled by Stormpay sometime this evening.

We have yet to receive any notification from them this evening as to why this has happened. We have attempted to contact them directly without success.

We would like to be optimistic in our hopes that this is a technical glitch of some sort. We will keep you updated here as we know more. But it will likely be the morning before we get any response from them.

2. Missing Payments in Stormpay

The support staff is working very hard to get all missing payments resolved. However due to the latest update from Stormpay, we will need time to allow a resolution and then process these payments. Your patience as we try to process your payment is appreciated. If you have not received payment then please submit an email to pnr@12dailypro.com only ONCE and we will process your payment as soon as we are able to process them.
Please do not submit a ticket to the ticket system concerning the missing payment you have submitted to the pnr@12dailypro.com mailbox. Once again, thank you for your patience as we try to resolve all member support matters.

3. Stormpay and Compounded Payments

There are still a handful of remaining Stormpay and Compounded to StormPay payments to be made for expiration 1/23.

We were to complete those payments last evening on 2/1, but were unable to due the the unexplained hold on our StormPay account. We hope to have news regarding this recent event and an updated payment schedule for all withdrawals tomorrow morning after we speak with our contacts at StormPay.

We ask for your patience as we are working to get all tickets resolved.

Please only reopen the ticket if your ticket does not fall into any of the categories above. Again thank you for your patience and for contacting the customer support team.


İyinet Üyesi
6 Şubat 2003
Reaction score
Ordan, burdan..
firar' Alıntı:
We have recieved notice that a group of 12daily Pro members who are students at a Utah university have created and have been promoting a website to fellow students, that falsely claims we are investment opportunity and urging students to contact them if they want to place an investment with our company. They have also been handing out business cards with our name on them. These students may have also given the impression that we are a pyramind scheme of sorts, which we cannot in adctuality be beccause we offer only a simple one level referral program.

Our terms clearly state that 12dp is not an investment opportunity and we have never presented it as such.

It seems that there are multiple sites and groups of our members doing similiar things. This has created a very difficult situation for us. None of these things were approved or sanctioned by our program.

Due to questions being raised, we want to be proactive in cooperating with any authorities that may want to ask questions. We feel at this time, it is best that we stop accepting upgrade purchases while we attempt to prove to whoever may question, exactly what our business model is and is not.

We are unsure what this will mean for the future of the program, but we want you to know we will do our best to communicate what is happening to you. We will also be formulating a refund strategy should that become necessary.

Our funds remain frozen with StormPay so we have no idea at this point how long that refund process will take.

Please know we are going to do all we can to prove that all we have done here is offer people a effective way to promote their online businesses and earn by engaging with the advertising of other members.

We will post news items as we have more information. Should the site need to be taken down for any reason as a result of these matters, you can still contact us by fax if needed. 1-866-308-0133

As I have supported and worked for you all over the past 10 months, I hope that I can count on your support in this matter as well.

Thank you.

birisi açıklamasını yapabilirmi yanlış bişiyler anladım sanırımda...
özetlemek gerekirse büyük ihtimal 1-2 ay sonra diyeceğimiz tek şey iplikçi gibi: gitti caanim paracıklar...
şaka bir yana bazı üyeler 12 dpyi yanlış lanse etmişler. dolayısı ile yanlış anlaşılmışlar. para hala stormpayde blokeliymiş, ne zaman açılır bilmiyolarmış. çözüm yolu arıyorlarmış, site her an kapanabilirmiş. telefon veya faxla ulaşabilirmişiz onlara. geri ödeme yollarına bakıyorlarmış vs...


İyinet Üyesi
30 Ocak 2006
Reaction score
Ne diyor?
We have done some additional research and as you may have noticed, we have come to some decisions regarding our current issues with Stormpay.

We did everything we could to meet and live up to StormPay's blackmail attempts on Monday. We removed EMO, a payment processor with who we have a very solid relationship. At StormPay's demand, we completely eliminated all choice for our members of payment processors and put our business in a very difficult postition. After all of that, it seems that we have been betrayed.

The existence of 12daily Pro has profited StormPay over the course of the months, perhaps more than any other of their clients or users combined. They seem to now have a problem with autosurf; we find it curious that they didn't have a problem with taking our money. We have learned that StormPay has suspended many other autosurfs as well witin the past couple of days. It appears they may also be sending out libelous answers to members questions about why we were suspended.

We want to let you know that we have decided to become proactive in this matter, after a full day has passed with no explanation from them of why our account has been suspended. Our attorney has submitted a letter to their attorney via email explaining our postion and requesting a response. Barring a legitimate explanation by Stormpay within a timely manner, we will be filing immediate legal action to recover all our funds by legal force if necessary so we can meet our responsibilities to all of our StormPay members in a timely fashion. We will update you on the progress of this matter. We promise to fight them to the death for money that rightfully belongs to you and us.

In the meantime, since our account has been locked, we cannot at this time make any StormPay payments. We also have been denied by StormPay the withdrawal of funds that we earmarked for the funding of our EMO account. So, this evening we will have to weigh a lot of factors in determining how we will structure a recovery plan for our Stormpay funds as well as determine an ammenable and fair payment schedule for all members with currently pending withdrawals.

We will have some answers for you on this by midday tomorrow.

In the meantime, we have enabled EMO upgrades again, staff will be focusing on support tickets and the launch of the new program hopefully later tomorrow.

We need you all to understand that this is a very difficult situation which we never could have predicted. There will be a lot of change and uncertainty in the coming days. But know we are doing all we can to insure that StormPay does not bring this program down nor take advantage of members that we have spent months caring for.

We completely understand that you are all concerned as we are as well. We ask for your support and patience at this time. Rest assured we are here working our butts off for you. You can help by not creating more work by staff with support tickets about these issues. We will update the membership as a whole as developments arise in the member news area, so please check it often for new postings.

We will not let anyone destroy this program that our staff and all of you have worked so hard to build.

NOW is the time when we PROVE we are pros!



12daily mi batacak derken ödeme işlemci batıyor yada batmak için elinden geleni yapıyor.hela
l sp sana


İyinet Üyesi
13 Ağustos 2004
Reaction score
param pendinge alındı stormpayle ödeniceğini söylüyor... tabi ödermi ödemezmi hala bilinmiyor...

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